The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), also known as Section 8, is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to rent decent, safe, and affordable housing in the private market. Funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program is provided to local Public Housing Agencies through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, and allows you to find housing (single-family homes, townhouses, mobile homes, and apartments) that fits your needs. By enrolling in the HCVP, if you qualify, you will receive a voucher that allows for a portion of your rent to be paid directly to your landlord.
The HCVP is an income based program. However, there are other factors that come into play, such as criminal history, rental history, and citizenship/residency status, that are determining factors for qualifying for the program.
The Corpus Christi Housing Authority is a paperless agency and all new and existing families must utilize our online, electronic platform for applying for benefits and also to update their information. Landlords are also required to use our Landlord Portal which will allow them to register as a new landlord, update their information, check on payments, and also view inspection results. Rent Café is the electronic platform that is used to process all HCVP actions. An overall review and training on our electronic platform will be provided to all applicants, and Landlords.
The Corpus Christi Housing Authority takes program fraud and abuse seriously. If you suspect that fraud is being committed by someone on the program, you can contact:
The Office of The Inspector General at: 1-800-347-3735. Or
The Corpus Christi Housing Authority at: 361-889-3300

Project Based Vouchers
The Corpus Christi Housing Authority administers Project Based Vouchers (PBV) through several sites across the city. In order to be considered for PBV housing, you must first apply to the PBV wait list and wait to be contacted. Unlike the Tenant Based Voucher program (TBV), the PBV program does not entitle you to a voucher. Instead, the voucher is assigned to the unit and the family living in the PBV unit is granted the housing subsidy that is assigned to the PBV unit.
If, for any reason, the family moves out of a PBV unit, the housing subsidy stays with the unit and the family will no longer receive the housing subsidy that is assigned to PBV unit. Just like the TBV program, each family must meet both HUD and the Corpus Christi Housing Authority eligibility standards to qualify for housing.
The Corpus Christi Housing Authority administers PBV units under the Blue Bonnet Gardens name. You can learn more about this program by visiting:
On this page you will find various documents, including the agency Administrative Plan, that dictates how the Corpus Christi Housing Authority Operates. These resources are available for your review and should answer many of your questions.
Administrative Plan
Utility Allowance Schedule
A Good Place to Live
Assignment of HAP – Docusign
Direct Deposit
Fair Housing Equal Opportunity
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
Lead-Based Paint HUD
Mold HUD
New Unit HQS Checklist
Owner Certification
Payment Standards 2023
Payment Standards 2024
Proof of Ownership
Protect Your Family from Lead
Rent Reasonableness Data Sheet
Rental Adjustment Procedure and Form
Tenant Compliance
Tenant Compliance 2nd Form
Welcome New Landlord
Welcome RFTA Packet
Request for Tenancy Approval
HCVP FAQ’s 2023
Income Limits
HUD provides income limits for program participation by eligible families. Below are the HUD mandated income limits for program eligibility.
HUD Link
Program Videos
Info Coming Soon…
Payment Standards
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is an income based program and the subsidy that each family receives for their rental assistance is based on primarily that factor. Family composition, fair market rents for the area, deductions and credits also play a role in the amount of subsidy that each participant family receives.
Housing Quality Standards
HUD mandates that any housing unit that receives a housing subsidy under the Housing Choice Voucher Program pass an initial and annual housing quality standards (HQS) inspection. Each unit has to meet safety standards as outlined by HUD before a participant family can move into the housing unit. The below links provide further information regarding what items are inspected as well as commonly failed inspection items.
HQS Checklist
HUD Website
Most Common Fail Items
Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors
Landlord Information
Thank you for your interest in working with the Corpus Christi Housing Authority (CCHA). There are few things that we will need in order to set you up as a new CCHA vendor. However, you can already start listing your unit for leasing (when you’re ready) by logging onto Simultaneously, you can start working on the below:
- Attend our Landlord Orientation- Scheduled on the last Friday of every month at 1:00PM located at 3701 Ayers St.
a. Learn details on the Housing Voucher Program (Section 8)
b. Learn what to expect during the “HQS” unit inspection
c. Meet & Greet other Landlords currently in our program - Begin completing the DocuSign packet that will be sent to you today after our office receives the information below. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our landlord department at .
a. Who is the payee for this account?
b. Is the payee the Owner or Management Company?
c. Who is the contact?
i. Full Name:
ii. Phone Number:
iii. Email Address:
iv. Property Address:
Thank you and Happy Leasing!!
Affordable Housing Property Owners
Utility Allowance Schedule
A Good Place to Live
Assignment of HAP – Docusign
Direct Deposit
Fair Housing Equal Opportunity
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
Lead-Based Paint HUD
Mold HUD
New Unit HQS Checklist
Owner Certification
Payment Standards 2023
Payment Standards 2024
Proof of Ownership
Protect Your Family from Lead
Rent Reasonableness Data Sheet
Rental Adjustment Procedure and Form
Welcome New Landlord
Welcome RFTA Packet
HCVP FAQ’s 2023
HUD Housing Quality Standards
Income Limits 2022
Income Limits 2023
Tenant Compliance Form
Tenant Compliance 2nd Form
Fair Housing
Our Fair Housing Policy
- Sale or rental of housing or residential lots.
- Advertising the sale or rental of housing.
- Financing of housing (including mortgage loans).
- Provision of real estate brokerage services.
- Appraisal of housing.
- Blockbusting is also illegal.
If you believe you have been discriminated against in violation of the federal Fair Housing Act, you should report the complaint to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at:
800-669-9777 (Toll-Free)
800-927-9275 (TTY)
Or, by mail:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Washington, D.C., 20410
Under the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), it is illegal to discriminate in any credit transaction, including a mortgage loan:
- on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status or age; or
- because all or part of an applicant’s income is from public assistance; or
- because the applicant has exercised a right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
If you believe you have been discriminated against in violation of ECOA, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission.
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C., 20580
Phone: 877-FTC-help (877-382-4357)
TTY: 866-653-4261
PIH Notices
You can click on the below link to access all of the PIH notices that HUD provides. These notices updates housing authorities, as well as the public, on any rule changes the HUD mandates for program administration.
Contact Us
Contact our general information line at 361-889-3300 for further assistance.