Corpus Christi Housing Authority offers a solution for much needed rental options for our Workforce Families – the Workforce Housing Opportunities (W.H.O.) Program. Corpus Christi has seen a substantial increase in the number of Workforce families spending more than 30% of their income on rent. In other words, they are “rent burdened” – limiting their spending power for necessities, savings, or discretionary items. The W.H.O. Program offers an income-based solution. CCHA enters into agreements with market-rate rental multi-family properties to create mixed-income developments located throughout Corpus Christi. Properties participating in the W.H.O. Program lower the cost of rent for qualifying individuals and families who earn 80% or less than the Average Median Family Income (AMFI).
Participating properties are listed below. To find out how much you can save, reach out to the properties that fit your needs and lifestyle.