Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program

The Housing and Urban Development – Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program provides 125 tenant-based housing choice vouchers to homeless veterans and their families. Qualified veterans receive a safe and decent place to live in addition to receiving expert case management services by the VA in order to address the root causes of their homeless to help them return to self-sufficient lifestyles. 

The funding commitment for the VASH Vouchers are open ended and portable, meaning the veterans may use them anywhere in the City or take them elsewhere if they move.  Case management is a critical component of the vouchers.  In order to receive the VASH Vouchers, the veterans must be referred to Corpus Christi Housing Authority through the VA to determine the veterans’ eligibility.  Once this criterion is met, the VA refers the veterans to CCHA who determines their income eligibility and rental history.  Veterans will then pay no more than 30 percent of their adjusted income, while the VASH Voucher pays the remaining balance of the rent set by the property owner.

To receive a voucher, veterans must first contact the VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System for eligibility purposes, at which point they are referred to CCHA. Once a voucher is issued, the veteran has two months to find a unit in the private market with an additional 60 day extension if needed.