Corpus Christi Housing Choice Voucher program (typically referred to as “Section 8”) provides housing assistance payments on behalf of qualified renters .This HCV program provides direct cash subsidies to landlords of rental properties in exchange for a promise to rent to people with low incomes and a promise to meet Housing Quality Standards which will be certified by Corpus Christi Housing inspectors. Area landlords benefit from this program by having a reliable pool of tenants and assurance that Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) will be paid on time every month. To learn how to become a landlord who participates in the program, call our HCV program office at (361) 889-3300 or email

Housing Authority Responsibilities

  1. To comply with the consolidated ACC, the application, HUD regulations, other requirements, and the Housing Authority (HA) Administrative Plan
  2. Receive applications from families, determine eligibility, maintain the waiting list, select applicants, issue a voucher to each selected family, provide housing information to families selected
  3. Determine who can live in the assisted unit at admission and during participation
  4. The HA must give the owner: the family’s current address (as shown in the HA records), the name and address (if known to the HA) of the landlord at the family’s current and prior address
  5. Inspect the contract unit and premises before assisted occupancy and at least annually during the assisted tenancy
  6. Determine the amount of the housing assistance payment for a family
  7. Make timely housing assistance payments to an owner in accordance with the HAP contract
  8. Examine family income, size, and composition at admission and during the family’s participation in the program
  9. Establish and adjust HA utility allowance
  10. Administer and enforce owner compliance with HAP contracts and take appropriate action in cases of non-compliance or default
  11. Determine whether to terminate assistance to a participant family for violation of family obligations
  12. Administer a Family Self-Sufficiency program
  13. Affirmatively further fair housing goals and comply with equal opportunity requirements